Appearance: Blue. Clear, bright liquid.

Properties of chemical product:
Detonation firmness: /12/
Motor Octane Number MON, not less: 99,6
rating (rich mix), not less: 130,0

Content of tetraethyl lead:
mlTEL/dm³, no more: 0,53
gram Pb/dm³, no more: 0,56
Density g/cm³ at 15 °C: It isn’t normalized, definition is obligatory

Fractional composition:
temperature has begun distillations, ºС, not below: It isn’t normalized, definition is obligatory
10% distilled at a temperature, ºС, not above: 75
40% distilled at a temperature, ºС, not below: 75
50% distilled at a temperature, ºС, not above: 135
90% distilled at a temperature, ºС, not above: 135
sum of 10% and 50% Evaporated Temperatures, ºС, not below: 170
temperature of the end of distillation, ºС, not above: 97
exit, %, not less: 1,5
balance, %, no more: 1,5
losses, %, no more: 38,0-49,0
Reid vapour pressure, kPa, within: – 60
Crystallization start temperature, ° С, not higher Sulfur, %, no more: 0,03
Specific heat of combustion the lowest, MDzh/kg, not less: 43,5
Corrosion copper strip 2h at 100 C, no more: № 1
Content of mechanical impurity and water: absence
Content of the actual pitches, mg/100 cm³, no more: 3
Resistance to oxidation (5 h): 6
potential pitches, mg/100 cm³, no more: 3
loss of lead, mg/100 cm³, no more: ± 2
Water Reaction – volume change, sm³, no more: 50 – 600
Specific electrical conductivity, pSm/m, within: /12/

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